We are entirely staffed by volunteers. We are so grateful to all of our selfless workers for giving back to the village of Waban.

The WLC is entirely supported by individual and community donations, and staffed solely by volunteers. We are so grateful to our volunteers for helping to make the village of Waban a better place.
Current Volunteers
- Rebecca Ahn
- Carolyn Anderson
- Leslie Anderson
- Sue Bear
- Peter Berman
- Sara Butler
- Sally Cantor
- Joanna Connolly
- Deborah Coppa
- Alison Corkery
- Linda Crowe
- Liz Epstein
- Loretta Gailius
- Alice Jacobs
- Charlene Kress
- Sheila Levitan
- Nancy Mansbach
- Daphne Martin
- Rebecca McGrath
- Stephanie Meyer
- Kathleen Olesky
- Pat Morris Beeler
- Sharon Sasanow
- Ann Snow
- Manuela Stoyanov
- Mary Suresh
- Nancy Tener
- Denise Wernikoff
- Roberta Yellen